Thursday, 27 December 2012

Up For Adoptions. Help By Sharing..!

Soni,Moni, Meena and Heena are 2 months old four female siblings. All are healthy, beautiful, playful kids. All together bundle of joy and mischief. Currently in a foster home and waiting for a sweet home and loving and caring families. Please help finding homes/sponsor for these adorable angels in any way. Spread the word and share on your net work. Don't let them come on the streets again. 
Contact : 9167652675

Rather Than Buy A Pet From Pet Shop/Breeder Consider To Save An Innocent Life By Adopting From Streets/Foster Homes/Animal Shelters. Make A Difference. Please Share My Words On Your Net Work And Help Our Homeless Animals.

Monday, 24 December 2012

Arthritis in dogs :

Arthritis in dogs is very painful disease just like in humans. It can develop at any age of dog and can make dog's life miserable. It is an inflammation of the joints. Joints are the site of the junction of two or more bones and the joints of the skeletal system are responsible for co-ordinating the movement of a dog. All activities of dog like jumping, running, etc require the use of him/her's leg joints. Arthritis cause the severe pain for the dog because it causes stiffness in the joints and muscles. So early diagnosis can save dog from discomfort.

Types of Arthritis:There are two types of arthritis in dogs.
Degenerative arthritis (DJD)/ Osteoarthritis - which result from damage to the cartilage cushioning the bones of the joint. Cartilage  protects the bones that make up the joints . Normal stress from years on abnormal joints can cause destruction of the cartilage. Hip dysplasia and malformation of the hip sockets, loose knee caps, trauma are the example of normal stress on abnormal joints. Constant jumping,stretching,injuries because of accident or fall, are the examples. Since cartilage has no nerve, it lost ability to protect the bone surfaces and the damage can progress with no outward symptoms.

Inflammatory Joint Disease ( IJD) - can be caused by infection/ by underlying immune-mediated diseases. Fungal infection, bacteria, tick-borne disease also can be the cause of inflammatory joint disease. It affects multiple joints. It cause fever, stiffness, anorexia ( lack or loss of appetite for food/ desire to lose weight by not eating food.

One more rare type of arthritis is Rheumatoid arthritis. It is rare in dogs.  
Types of arthritis can be distinguished by their causes and symptoms.

Causes :
Age, obesity, hip dysplasia and related to it diseases, injuries, improper nutrition, poor breeding practices, pain in the legs, etc.

Symptoms :
Stiffness, intermittent lameness, swollen joints, reluctance to move/ rise, depression, lethargy, irritability, weight gain, painful joints, sleeps/rest more than usual, loss of appetite, aggression when joints are touched, disinterest in physical activity, visible joint deformities, while walking abnormal stance, limping, lagging behind on walks, yelping when touched, difficulty in changing position, etc.
Dog arthritis usually so mild and appear gradually then slowly worsen over time that's why owners/ animal lover people may miss them. Affected dog may become three-legged lame.

Diagnosis :
Because infectious joint disease and immune-mediated joint disease call for different treatment protocols so no doubt diagnosis must be accurate. A complete physical examination  can help to see the location of dog's joint pain. MRI ( Magnetic Resonance Imaging)  and CT ( Computed Tomography ) will help to diagnosis arthrisis in dog. Also it may be diagnosis by present symptoms, history, sample and analysis of synovial fluid and lubricating inside of the joint capsule may help to diagnosis of infected joints.
Treatments :
There are Surgical and non-surgical types of treatment in dog's orthritis. These options can improve in dog's comfort. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug ( NSAID's,drugs like Rimadyl, Deramaxx are the example which may advised by vet), vaccines, surgery, joint fluid modifiers, natural cures, etc.
According to veterinary doctor If surgical/surgery is not advisable then vet may suggest for non-surgical treatments like massage therapy, weight management, diet, supplements, acupuncture, rest, etc. which are the best ways to improve dog's comfort in orthritis.
There are some Natural cure treatments like massage oils, herbs, vegetable's intake, these are the natural remedies which will help in dog's arthritis. But be sure, in dog's arthritis any type of treatment surgical/non-surgical/natural cure, should be given under veterinary care only.
Animal lovers and pet lovers should be aware of all diseases of dogs/cats/stray animals. All diseases are painful. Arthritis in dogs is really a worse disease.
Make a difference by taking care of not only your pets but be kind to all stray animals and take care of them. They desperately need your help. By helping them every time you will be saving voiceless innocent lives.

Monday, 17 December 2012

Tick fever (Ehrlichiosis) in dogs :

Tick bite fever is generally a chronic disease, although acute deaths may occur. Many people are not aware that this disease is caused by a bacteria Ehrlichia which is a rickettsial bacteria belonging to the family Ehrlichiaceae. In most cases an early diagnosis and treatment will lead to recovery, but diagnosis is difficult in a large proportion of cases. Dog owners and all animal lovers are requested not to delay taking a sick dog to the vet as early, timely treatment is important to keep animals in good shape.

Causes :
Dogs get tick fever from the brown dog tick. When it bites an ehrlichia organism passes into the bloodstream.One another cause of disease is blood transfusion of dog from an infected dog.

Stages :
There are three stages of  Ehrlichiosis. The acute stage, The subclinical (subacute) stage, The chronic stage.
*Acute stage lasts for several days after infection and lasting for upto a month or so. It can lead to fever and low peripheral blood cell counts.
*Subclinical/ subacute stage may last months/ can last for the whole life.During this period dog remains infected with the organism.But during this time some dogs are able to successfully eliminate the disease.
*Chronic stage is the most serious stage of infection. After a period of months/ years the dog's immune system is broken down. So low blood cell counts. In results the chances of bleeding, lameness, bacterial infection, ophthalmic disorders, kidney disease, neurological, etc. It can be fatal.

Symptoms :
During the course of the disease  at any stage, the following symptoms may be seen. 
Partial or total loss of appetite, high fever, vomiting and diarrhea, coughing, weight loss, excessive salivary flow, pussy discharge from the nose and may be from eyes, bleeding from the nose/gums, pale gums due to anemia, lameness, weakness/paralysis, swelling of the hind limbs, acute death due to severe internal bleeding,etc.

Diagnosis :
Very small percentage of cases the organisms are seen in a blood smear. Diagnosis is achieved by serologic testings of the blood, routine tests for the disease. In the mejority of cases, specially subclinical (subacute) and chronic cases, the organisms are seldom seen.The other diagnostic methods are necessary to confirm the disease. The tests should be repeated. Polymerase chain reaction test ( PCR test) can be done to detect genetic material of bacteria. During the subclinical (subacute) and chronic disease many times PCR test shows a negative result. If the disease is present, blood tests may show abnormalities in the numbers of white blood cells, red blood cells and blood platelets. A diagnosis can be made by looking under a microscope at a blood smear for the presence of morula (mulberry). A new DNA test is available which at once looks at 11 different tick borne diseases. This test is extremely sensitive, especially if a biopsy from the lungs or spleen is tested.

Treatments :
Vitamins are prescribed to increasing appetite.Good nutrition is important to give the dog.It is the best chance to fight with the infection.Coagulants may be tried if bleeding occurs.If severe bleeding is there then a fresh blood transfusion is to be done.Antibiotics for a period of at least six to eight weeks can be given but response to the drugs may take one month.So to build dog's strength sometimes steroids may be required. Dog which has clinical signs, must be provided supportive care.

Prevention :
Tick control in dog is the most effective method of prevention . There is no vaccine available against tick bite fever so it is necessary to improve dog's immunity against tick fever.Regular dipping, tick collars, tick sprays is helpful for prevention. As it is generally a chronic disease and it can be fatal so an early diagnosis and treatment only can save dog's life. Do not delay taking a sick dog to the experienced veterinary doctor.
Do not care for only your pet. Make a difference by taking care for all animals, specially who are homeless and suffering on the streets. They desperately need our support and help.

Wednesday, 12 December 2012

Diarrhea in dogs :

Diarrhea in dogs means loose, unformed stools. Food takes about eight hours to pass through the small intestines. A normal stool contains no undigested food or blood. But with rapid transit through the bowel, food arrives at the rectum in a liquid state, unformed bowel movement. And this type of rapid transit calls diarrhea in canine.

Causes :
Dietary indiscretion is a common cause. Dogs have tend to eat garbage and decayed food, wild and ornamental plants, grass, dead birds/animals, paper,wood, plastic, many indigestible substances, food intolerance (chicken, egg, fish, spices, fats, beef, meat, etc) and many of these are irritating to the stomach and in results liquid form of stools. Even some antibiotics and medicines and circumstances, depression also can cause diarrhea.

Intestinal parasites are another common cause of acute and chronic diarrhea in both puppies and adult dogs. Hookworm, threadworms,roundworms,whipworms are the main cause for diarrhea. Kidney disease, liver disease, cancer, distemper, parvovirus, etc.

Symptom and colour :
Several small stools in an hour,with straining or 4-5 large stools in a day, weight loss, vomiting, fever, pain, lethargy, depression, loss of appetite, standing anxiously standing at the door and needs to get out quickly and when it is out it runs urgently.
Colour of stool is greenish or yellowish, black and tarry in diarrhea and some times contains blood.

Treatments of diarrhea :
Home treatment :
The most important and first step in diarrhea is to stop giving food for 12-24 hours. Do not give milk. Give fresh drinking water as much as dog wants. Consider giving canine supplemental electrolyte solution with water. After 24 hours watch condition of dog and start giving healthy well balanced home cooked diet which is low fat. Boiled chicken with soup, cooked white rice with chicken soup, cooked oatmeal, cottage cheese in chicken soup or other easily digestible foods. Give 2-3 small meals only in a day. If you are switching food to the dog, then lowly switch the diet back to the dog's normal and regular food or dog might again have diarrhea.

When you should seek veterinary doctor's clinic :
Pay close attention to dog. If diarrhea continues for more than 24 hours to dog, dog appears weak and depressed, running a fever, blood in stool, then do not waste time. Seek Vet assistance immediately. It is important to bring a sample of dog's stool veterinary doctor because it will help vet identify cause for the diarrhea.
If the case is severe or if dog has an organic disease such kidney, liver, thyroid then all can be tested through a blood test. The vet might consider to put him or her on IV fluids to put liquids back into his/her body to hydrate or vet might give medication according cause, dog's body weight, condition.
Take care of not only your pet but also strays. They desperately need your help, support, love and care.

Always remember, treat animal by experienced and qualified veterinary doctor.

Do not buy a pet, consider saving a life by adopting homeless animal from streets, animal shelters, foster homes. Save voiceless innocent lives.

Monday, 10 December 2012

Vomiting in dogs/cats.

Vomiting is common problem in dogs and cats. There are many different causes of it.

Causes :
Primary or gastric causes of vomiting due to diseases of stomach. Secondary or non-gastric causes of vomiting are Anatomy (body structure of an animal) of the digestive system of dog/cat. If food is present in vomit, it is partially digested. If the vomit contains blood it may be fresh, red blood or some times it look like coffee grounds if the blood is digested. Blood is most often seen with kidney failure,stomach cancer,stomach ulcers.
Vomiting in dog/cat may occurs after eating or may occur in who is off food. Vomiting is can be caused by  infection, infection of canine feline panleukopenia virus, canine parvovirus, canine distemper, corona virus, diabetes, brain disease, cough infection, garbage ingestion, toxins, medication infections, etc.
A sudden vomiting is can be caused by diet change. Vomiting in dog/cat may occurs after eating or may occur in who is off food.
So at some time or another, chances are an animal will vomit.Vomiting problem can be confused.It have a wide range of causes so determining the correct one may be complicated.

Symptoms :

Retching, Weakness, bloated, pain and distress, loss of appetite, depression, anemia, pale gums, swollen abdomen,dehydration, black and tarry stools, some times fever, etc.

Diagnosis :
History and physical exam, blood tests, chemistry panel, radiography, intestinal biopsy, urinalysis, complete blood count, endoscopy, etc. That veterinary doctor will suggest after examination.
The occasional episode of vomit is normal, may not be an indication of a serious illness but remember don't take it lightly also.

Treatments :
Treatment will be recommended according to the underlying cause behind the vomiting.

Withhold food as needed the switch to diet without the offending ingredient, low fat diet, antibiotics depending on cause, intravenous fluids if dehydrated, antibiotics to prevent secondary bacterial infections,surgery dependings upon the cause, multiple treatments with appropriate wormer, restrict oral intakes, pain killer as needed, medications to control vomiting, medications to help protect the stomach and increase movement of food out of stomach, etc.
All treatments depend on the cause of vomiting.
The physical examination of the vomiting dog/cat will provide information to narrow the list of possible causes. Always follow the recommended treatment plan from your veterinarian. Remember one thing, do not experiment with medications or food. Pay close attention to animal and if it does not improve, take it to veterinarian for a follow-up treatment plan which is recommended by him. By carefully watching dog/cat or your pet, you may be able to spot a potential problem before it comes an emergency, and save animal from a heartbreaking situation.

Take care of not only your pet but also all stray dogs/cats/animals/birds and prove you are a genuine animal lover and a responsible human being who respects and care for other living beings.

Always remember, treat animal by experienced and qualified veterinary doctor.