From my diary one more true story - grave of an old and three legged stray angel (dog). Here is his pain in my words.
My friends, I am a three legged old stray dog.
I do not have request for a safe place to live, to sleep, attention. I have followed you through various moves. In good or bad time, I am your companion, always be there at your feet. I never gave up on you in the hard times, why you have given up and discarded me. You alone are the centre of my universe. I have not ask for much, just keep me, to love me and let me live in peaceful healthy life.
Why my shadow is only my friend you are not by my side? Why I m not allowed to stay forever at one place? Why I am suffering, scared and defeated? Why I am betrayed by humans?
This is my only crime, being born !?
My friends, please do realize before it is too late that My soul is the same as in all living creatures only body is different.
Here is not only me is alone who is born to suffer in pain and die. There are my million brothers and sisters who are suffering from the same pain.
This is an old dog's request to you all human beings. Please give your attention to us. We all need your love, care and protection to survive. We too are God's creatures. We deserve happiness. We don't want to die same like you do not. Our lives are in your hands. Please save our lives.
Rescue, adopt, foster, volunteer, sponsor, donate, spread the word of kindness for us, share, whatever in small or big effort but please do help and support us. You only can be our saviours.
Thank you my friend for hearing me.
Yours only,
-An old and three legged stray dog.
This is a true story and original picture clicked by me. This precious child lives on the street of Ghatkopar area. He has three legs. In an accident because of a human he lost his left hind leg. He is living a miserable life. He is very much scared of humans. Even other stray dogs tease him and try to hurt him and he can not run fast to protect himself. So he is very much scared.
Because he wants to be loved so he cries all the time in strange manner. But sad people do not look at him. When I visited their and wanted to touch him, hug and pamper him he started running and hide himself under a car. He was scared. I started talking with him from some distance. He started crying when he heard my polite voice.
It was heart breaking. Tears rolled on my cheeks.
One of my kind friends is feeding this precious soul and is giving love to the kid. The kid only trust on my friend. I am happy that finally the kid is loved by at least someone?
I always ask for forgiveness from animals. No doubt because of human beings they are suffering and are on risk. Please forgive me precious souls.
This is my pledge and my promise to you I will never give up on you like you never gave up on me in my hard times. You are a life and it is my duty to respect your life, to protect and help you.
This is responsibility of every human being to respect, help and protect all other living beings !
Thank you.
~ Manisha Matta