All animal lovers should know - How to take Ccre of a Canine (Dog). Here are some tips.
Owning a pet, means it becomes a family member. They are adorable. They share all your joys, pains, sorrows, everything. Caring for your pet involves a lot of responsibilities, since you are the sole provider for him social, dietary, health-related needs.
So you should know everything about them and you should take proper care of your pet. Rather you should take care of all strays/animals.
There is no way you can ignore the situation/ about your family member. Rather you should not. In case of emergencies, knowing how to treat a canine, can prove to be a life saver for it.
Taking care of a canine when ill is essential and requires a lot to be done depending on the illness. Here are some tips about how to take care of a Canine in case it is sick or injured. Please read carefully.
How to Treat a Canine's Wound
Canine wound needs to be treated efficiently. It does not turn into an infection and worsen. Treating canine wounds may not be that easy, as the it may not allow touching the wound. So you will need to tie the canine by a leash and muzzle it. Clean the wound with clean running water, don't use antiseptics at that time as it is wet so might cause pain. So first dry the wound using cotton, then apply an antiseptic cream and put on a bandage. Be careful about the canine it does not lick or bite around the wound, this can cause an infection. For deeper wounds, get the wound checked immediately and treated by a veterinarian.
How to Treat a Canine's Sprained Leg
To treat a canine's sprained or broken leg, very first thing, minimize your canine's walking activity. Immediate veterinary consultation is advised. Do not try to treat it on your own, as you can damage the sprain further.Canine sprains just like human ones. Canine owners should notice the injury when their it begins to limp or appears to be pained by walking. If there have doubt that canine has a sprain, get him to a vet to rule out something more serious.It should be checked out by a vet.
After the veterinarian has checked canine and has allowed it to get back home, you should make sure the canine takes complete rest and if possible should be kept in a crate. Take it frequently to the veterinarian until the sprain or broken leg heals completely and administer the medicine as and when prescribed. It is very important to make sure that the canine does not put any weight on the sprained /broken leg.
Remember, delaying treatment may cause injury to worsen. This may cause injury to worsen so seeking care early is important.
How to Treat a Canine's Upset Stomach
If Canine is overfeeded accidentally, it can result in an upset stomach for him. Also, canines are known to eat stuff they are unfamiliar with. To treat a canine's upset stomach, need to first ensure that the situation is not a serious one. For mild stomach upsets, it may need to starve the dog for 24hours. This is first natural cure.
Normally canines will eat grass to cleanse out their system. This is the natural method for curing canine's upset stomach. If the stomach is even a little better, it can introduce bland food like steamed chicken with rice ( quantity should be 50% from normal feeding). Pure clean and freshwater needs to be givin all the time. If the symptoms persist for more than the stipulated time, consult a veterinarian immediately before proceeding with any treatments.
How to Treat a Dog's Ear Infection
Ear infection is a common condition most canines suffer from. This is caused on the external ear, mainly due to a bacterial or yeast infection.This can cause a very intense irritation for canine. Once you see the early signs that canine is uncomfortable, So as to avoid any further complications, will need to treat the ear infection. First you need to clean the infected area with an antibacterial solution, using a cotton swab. Applying an anti-microbial ear drop thrice a day will help cure the infection. If the infection persists for more than three days and causes discomfort for your dog, consult a veterinarian for an antibiotic treatment as your canine is totally reliant on you and no doubt that canine ear infections often require Veterinary Care.
How to Treat a Canine With Fever
Fever in a canine is typically a sign that the body is fighting infection. You may tell whether your canine has a fever by feeling his nose hot and dry. Cool and wet nose is good. But it is not that simple. Some times canine fever often goes unrecognized.
The most accurate way to detect a fever is by taking canine's rectal temperature. A normal temperature for a canine is 100.5 to 102.5 degrees Fahrenheit. The word fever is typically used to describe elevated body temperature caused by infection or inflammation. A temperature of more than 103 degrees is considered a canine fever. Although there are no definite symptoms for fever but some symptoms that might indicate illness and fever in canine like - Shivering, vomiting, coughing, nasal discharge, lethargy, loss of appetite, depressed mood, etc.
A variety of illnesses and conditions may make your canine run a fever. Any type of infection in the body may cause fever in canin
Now, if you are taking canine's temperature with a mercury thermometer, shake the mercury down. While using an electronic thermometer, it should be ready to go with either thermometer, you will need to lubricate the tip with either a jelly or an oil such as almond or olive oil. Lift canine's tail gently to insert the lubricated end of the thermometer right inside of his rectum. Don't push the thermometer too far. It may hurt/cause injury. Mercury thermometer will need to leave three to four minutes before reading and for digital, hear the beep before removing it.
If canine's temperature is above 103 degree, do not give him any human medicine. Above 105 degree fever can be fatal for canine. Remember, Canine is not a human. Human drugs can be dangerous to canine. You are not a vet. So you need to take him to the veterinary doctor immediately. By doing so your canine will be in great hands and will be safer for quik recovery.
How to Treat a Canine With cold and cough
Canine suffering from cold have experience symptoms like constant sneezing, coughing, and runny nose with runny eyes, lethargy, poor appetite. These symptoms are associated with the various respiratory diseases. The immune system of canine has the capacity
Some common symptoms are -
Parainfluenza, Canine Kennel Cough,Adenovirus type -2, Pneumonia, Distemper.
If you have a young puppy or an old canine suffering from the above symptoms of cold, you should take your canine to a good vet immediately. Initially you may treat canine with home made remedies unless symptoms of cold are too severe.
How to Treat a Canine With Parvo
Canine Parvovirus is the most common serious infectious disease. Parvo causes ulcreative enteritis and diarrhea. This diarrhea can be bloody and life threatening. Early in the disease canine may run a short period of fever. The most common form of Parvovirus infection is a acute inflammation of the small intestine. This is characterized by vomiting, diarrhea, profound dehydration and depression.True diagnosis requires an antibody test that detects the actual parvovirus in stool samples. Survival ratesdepends on how quickly parvovirus is diagnosed, even the age of canine and how aggresive the treatment is. Due to the severe dehydration and damage of intestines, treatment usually involves hospitalization. It ideally consists of crystalloid IV fluids and may collorids,antinausea injections. IV fluids should be administered and injections should given subcutaneously or intravenously.The fluids are typically a mix of a sterile and balanced electrolyte solution. A solution called colloidal silver is especially useful in treating parvo.Once canine keeps fluid down, the IV fluids are gradually discontinued and compeletly bland food slowly introduced. Oral antibiotics should administered for a number of days depending on the white blood cell count and the canine's ability to fight with secondary infection.
Remember, the virus lives for long periods of time on food containers, floors and household objects. Treating a canine with parvo would involve confining it to a separate room, away from other canines and children. Make sure the canine has everything it requires around the crate. Administer the prescribed dosage of medications regularly.Take good care of the canine. Parvo can be prevented with the administration of yearly vaccinations and preventing it is essential.
The virus lives for long periods of time on food containers, floors and other household objects.
Treatmenttreating parvo. Take good care of the dog and feed it well. Parvo can be prevented with the administration of yearly vaccinations and preventing it is essential for your canine.
How to Treat a Dog With Distemper
Canine distemper is a highly contagious and sometimes fatal disease that is seen in canines. It is caused by the canine distemper virus. Commonly observed signs are a runny nose, vomiting, diarrhea, dehydration, coughing, excessive sallvation, loss of appetite, weight loss, etc. Distemper in canine diagnosis is based primarily on the history and clinical signs. Signs are variable and may take time to appear. Secondary infections are common, diagnosis can be complicated. Other infections can produce similar signs to distemper. A variety of laboratory tests can help confirm the dignosis.
Neurological symptoms of distemper may not develop later in the disease ( sometimes even after several weeks). Neurological symptoms of distemper may include muscle twitching, paralysis, increased sensitivity to touch or pain. Canine distemper also occurs in wild animals, contact with wild animals may contribute to the spread of distemper to domestic canines.
Treatment of distemper in canine includes fluids to combat dehydration, medication to reduce vomiting, antibiotics and some other medications to treat pneumonia, antiboitics for secondary infections, anticonvulsants to treat sezures. Neurological symptoms may get progressively worse and may not respond to treatment.
The fact is there is no cure for the actual virus which causes canine Distemper. Treatment is supportive. Vet will treat the symptoms as they occur. Canine may need an intravenous drip if it is dehydrated, or anticonvulsants if it is having seizures. The canine is kept as comfortable as possible with constant nursing in a warm dry draft free area.
Proper veterinary care is extremely important when understanding how to take care of a canine. It’s best if you bring your pet in for veterinary regular checkups. If you’re worried about costs, you may want to invest in pet insurance for your dog. Pet insurance can cover some or all of your veterinary bills, and will usually also cover emergency procedures.
Many pet owners often underestimate how important veterinary care is for knowing how to take care of a dog.
Make sure you take good care of your pet to prevent illness and help it recover quickly. Always treat your pets by an experienced and qualified Veterinary Doctor only. They are your family members.