Please don't just likeabove link --But Share this, Talk About this, BBM this, Whatsapp Forward, Read about Rambo and help him. I think if 12000 people put their minds together we can find 1 place for him no ?
Yes friends, this is a story of- Rambo, a true soldier !
Rambo has his last 7 days of a chance at a foster home, we have tried everything we can to find him a home but nothing has worked out. Sadly he will be relased back on the street or put in a shelter much against our wiishes but for a lack of a better place.
This is a desperate plea for help if anyone can please do, 9820191321
This is a desperate plea for help if anyone can please do, 9820191321

My name is Ruchi Nadkarni and I run an animal welfare organization call ‘World for All Animal Care and Adoptions’ I am 24 years old and my organization ins 3 years old. I have been into animal welfare since I was 16.
This is the story or ...Rambo.
Rambo caught my eye the very first time I moved into this building complex. He had something strong and overpowering about his presence, with intense affection and expressions of happiness all together.
He would wait for me to come home, and if it was very late at night he would walk me from the rickshaw to the gate also. Unknowingly this street dog had created intense love in my heart for him and I always belived nothing would happen to him until January 30th 2012, when I found him motionless at my gate.
He was awake and I thought that he may be very sick and weak so with a veterinarians advise I administered glucose to him and some tonics. When he showed no improvement the next day I rushed him to the Vet.
He was paralysed from the neck down and his body was limp as a noodle.
After reaching there it was diagnosed to be a possible spinal injury or nervous system disorder.
He was then shown to a Neurologist who confirmed him with a 90 % assuarance of having the dumb form of rabies.
After this diagnosis no doctor wanted to touch this case and I was told to carry on at my own risk. After being immunized for the disease I continued feeding him and changing him for the lack of a better line of treatment. He was kept in a cage to avoid pain due to any kind of movement.
After 4 days of surviving I knew he didn’t have rabies for sure.
After obtaining permission from a rather co-operative building society Joy Valencia in Jogeshwari E, with sensitive society members I started nursing him in the premises of the building itself.
With another doctor’s consult Rambo was believed to have a possible spinal injury which could not be confirmed in an Xray and we were still floating with his diagnosis.
He was prescribed with steroids and other antibiotics.
After 10 days of no improvement in his condition I began to lose hope.
He would howl every 4 hours when I would have to run down and pacify him along with changing him and feeding him. He had to be fully covered in bedsheets and blankets as it was brutally cold in the nights.
He could not pass stools on his own which required a forced enema to be performed every other day which was immensely painful for him. But the sign of pain told me that he atleast had some sensation.
On the 12th day, he started being able to hold his head up, I knew this was progress and despite the advise of 6 doctors I did not put him down. Something in his eyes told me that he was not ready to give up just yet.
Meanwhile I started turning to every kind of treatment and help possible, I started having him listen to soothing music to make him feel better, in addition to requesting thousands of prayers across facebook for him in churches temples and mosques.
I also called upon a reiki expert and he received reiki throughout. He was given infrared radiations and massages by me everyday.
On day 14 Rambo was taken to a vet by me to administer a treatment known as Faradic currents to stimulate his nerves.
On consulting with yet another doctor, I was told that he might have a brain tumor or brain trauma.
He needed to be tended to every 4 hours, when he was fed medicated and changed.
Many volunteers from the facebook from the facebook group of World for All were following his progress and prayed for him, many also came and visited him from time to time to give him encouragement.
On day 16th Rambo started moving his back legs slightly, which was slow but steady progress. He still could not pass stools on his own.
I turned to Alternative treatments like Bach Flower therapy, Homeopathy and Music inorder to heal him of his emotional trauma and give him hope in the process. I constantly told him that he was loved and that he would make it and this was only a small test which he had to pass, while in my mind believing that it was a test for me too and praying everyday to have the strength to face this.
Rambo started crawling on Day 20, but he still had very limited sensation in his front paws and mainly pushed himself forward with his back paws.
This is when I realized that he needed full time attention , So I moved out of my house with Rambo into a friends apartment and started nursing him 24 hours.
This intense treatment of every form led to Rambo taking his first steps and being able to stand on the 26th Day and walking towards me.
I had tears in my eyes and finally believed that both our tests were over. Today he is under intense physiotherapy , and is never going back to the streets again.
I am looking for a forever home for Rambo that will love him just as I have for the rest of his life. Rambo seeks a loving home today and deserves one after the fight that he put up to survive everyday.
Please contact 9820191321 to Adopt Rambo, or email at
This is the story or ...Rambo.
Rambo caught my eye the very first time I moved into this building complex. He had something strong and overpowering about his presence, with intense affection and expressions of happiness all together.
He would wait for me to come home, and if it was very late at night he would walk me from the rickshaw to the gate also. Unknowingly this street dog had created intense love in my heart for him and I always belived nothing would happen to him until January 30th 2012, when I found him motionless at my gate.
He was awake and I thought that he may be very sick and weak so with a veterinarians advise I administered glucose to him and some tonics. When he showed no improvement the next day I rushed him to the Vet.
He was paralysed from the neck down and his body was limp as a noodle.
After reaching there it was diagnosed to be a possible spinal injury or nervous system disorder.
He was then shown to a Neurologist who confirmed him with a 90 % assuarance of having the dumb form of rabies.
After this diagnosis no doctor wanted to touch this case and I was told to carry on at my own risk. After being immunized for the disease I continued feeding him and changing him for the lack of a better line of treatment. He was kept in a cage to avoid pain due to any kind of movement.
After 4 days of surviving I knew he didn’t have rabies for sure.
After obtaining permission from a rather co-operative building society Joy Valencia in Jogeshwari E, with sensitive society members I started nursing him in the premises of the building itself.
With another doctor’s consult Rambo was believed to have a possible spinal injury which could not be confirmed in an Xray and we were still floating with his diagnosis.
He was prescribed with steroids and other antibiotics.
After 10 days of no improvement in his condition I began to lose hope.
He would howl every 4 hours when I would have to run down and pacify him along with changing him and feeding him. He had to be fully covered in bedsheets and blankets as it was brutally cold in the nights.
He could not pass stools on his own which required a forced enema to be performed every other day which was immensely painful for him. But the sign of pain told me that he atleast had some sensation.
On the 12th day, he started being able to hold his head up, I knew this was progress and despite the advise of 6 doctors I did not put him down. Something in his eyes told me that he was not ready to give up just yet.
Meanwhile I started turning to every kind of treatment and help possible, I started having him listen to soothing music to make him feel better, in addition to requesting thousands of prayers across facebook for him in churches temples and mosques.
I also called upon a reiki expert and he received reiki throughout. He was given infrared radiations and massages by me everyday.
On day 14 Rambo was taken to a vet by me to administer a treatment known as Faradic currents to stimulate his nerves.
On consulting with yet another doctor, I was told that he might have a brain tumor or brain trauma.
He needed to be tended to every 4 hours, when he was fed medicated and changed.
Many volunteers from the facebook from the facebook group of World for All were following his progress and prayed for him, many also came and visited him from time to time to give him encouragement.
On day 16th Rambo started moving his back legs slightly, which was slow but steady progress. He still could not pass stools on his own.
I turned to Alternative treatments like Bach Flower therapy, Homeopathy and Music inorder to heal him of his emotional trauma and give him hope in the process. I constantly told him that he was loved and that he would make it and this was only a small test which he had to pass, while in my mind believing that it was a test for me too and praying everyday to have the strength to face this.
Rambo started crawling on Day 20, but he still had very limited sensation in his front paws and mainly pushed himself forward with his back paws.
This is when I realized that he needed full time attention , So I moved out of my house with Rambo into a friends apartment and started nursing him 24 hours.
This intense treatment of every form led to Rambo taking his first steps and being able to stand on the 26th Day and walking towards me.
I had tears in my eyes and finally believed that both our tests were over. Today he is under intense physiotherapy , and is never going back to the streets again.
I am looking for a forever home for Rambo that will love him just as I have for the rest of his life. Rambo seeks a loving home today and deserves one after the fight that he put up to survive everyday.
Please contact 9820191321 to Adopt Rambo, or email at
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