I salute Indian Army.
Where Strays Hang Out
Wednesday, 14 August 2013
Tuesday, 30 July 2013
Unwanted, Ignored And Forgotten Stray Animals - Raise Awareness !
My article is dedicated to forgotten, unwanted and ignored stray animals. As a stray lover to the core i took this initiative to make awareness in our society about thousands of homeless animals, living on the streets, who are sadly ignored, for whom people think they do not exist.
It happens to stray animals not only in India but in countries all over the world ! The reason is a lot lack of awareness. I want to raise awareness and show people what stray animals go through. I want to open their eyes and the opportunity for change possible because of awareness.
Stray animals that have known suffering and deprivation display a depth of character that is unmistakable. When i see haunting images, sorrow squeeze my heart, my soul weeps . I hope my article may invoke in you a desire to make this world a better place for unwanted stray souls.
Like us humans, stray animals too are living beings. They should not require our permission to live on earth. If you remember they have given this right from God before us! This is their world as well. It does not belong only to us humans at all.
Do you have ever took trouble to think for a moment to know about their problems? How and what they are suffering from? Why not you ever thought majority of stray animals have learned not to trust humans !
Humans just never know the reality that stray lives are emotionally traumatized. They face acute physical, mental, social challenges. They die to the agonies of starvation, illness, cruelty, frustration, multiple and virulent contagions, exposure to extreme weather, wounds from humans - being hit by vehicles, breeding injuries, territorial imperatives, separation anxiety and many many more. They are unwanted, betrayed by humans and so killed too, this the the reality of stray lives. People look on but do nothing. This is sad and shameful that how human being so different to this level of sufferings? This world is really dangerous place for stray animals where people feel no compassion at all Thus innocent souls are completely forgotten and ignored.
My heart wrenches in sorrow when i see them dying in pain. I wish individuals should take step up and take stray animals in to their care. Though people have right to remain silent but if they do stray animals will pay.
I know we can not help everyone but we should not forget that everyone can help something for someone.
Prove yourself a kind and responsible human being. Put all your efforts into getting the stray animals safety. You need to do some things to protect and save them.
To support and protect them what you need to do ?
You do not need much for that but only a big kind heart !
So take a look here -
Keep your eye on the purpose. Put all your efforts into getting the stray animal's safety that would be lifesaver. It is humane to protect living beings who can not help for themselves.
Rescue, adopt, foster, volunteer, donate, sponsor, share, spread the word for help, raise awareness, do not keep silence against cruelty , report against cruelty, abuse, mistreatment, killing to stray animals. Fight for their rights. Do something for them no matter size of contribution or help. Millions strays who are in their old age or pets who are abandoned suffer to a fate worse than death by heartless humans. They have no place at all to live. Just bring love, care, comfort, security and hope to them. Give stray animals dignity.
Rescue supporters, funds and volunteers are seemingly always need. Raise awareness about it. Every individual should stand up and take the stray animal into his/her care. Do not let them die in pain and loneliness. Your love and care in their brief, final hours, they will surely come to know that they are not unwanted and forgotten, but somebody was there for them.They must feel your heart is breaking when they go. Share your mission all around for the miserable stray animals. Help in neuter and spay so no more strays will born to die on streets because being born is only their crime. So do not let this happen to them.
Friends, i am not the best. I make mistakes in my ignorance, but i am an stray animal lover to the core. My spine chills when i see man's inhumanity at the worst towards them.
I do not want any publicity. I just believe in karma. I try to find permanent homes for stray animals through their adoptions or rescue those who are in distress, admit them in hospitals/ to vets, give myself treatments to them when they are ill, hug them, love them and take care for them, whatever is possible and in my limits. My heart melts at that time when i look at their face and see into their eyes and hug them. Their face and eyes tell some thing to me that it is rare in their little lives they have not being ignored or mistreated, sincerely!
I am doing my activities in any way to help stray animals for their safety are bigger than what i am. There are things that go too deep for words.
I vowed for unwanted ignored stray souls that i will become voice of them. I will not keep silence, i will fight their fights. I will not lose the hopes for them. They are true to the last beat of their heart so i will too to them. I owe it to them to be worthy of such devotion. Till i am alive i will continue to care for stray animals. If they will not survive due to reasons, at least they will be remembered and their lives will be count for something. So in their final moments they must feel they were not alone, there was somebody for them who love and care for them, who's heart was weeping when they were leaving.
There should be peace and safety on this planet for all living beings. Believe this fact we are equally living beings. We have to go back where we all came from.
This is my mission which i every time share with human society to raise awareness about precious but ignored and forgotten stray animals. This is a hope one day will come which will create positive change for stray animals and will make a difference !
Join me in my efforts. We are only the hope for voiceless. Without our support and protection they will die. Prove what your love and kindness can do ! Take all this challenge carefully, It will save innocent lives. It may fill a void, you did not realize that you had !
My motto is to make invisible stray animals visible, to be loved and protect in human society.
Time is running. Take pledge to save stray animals . Start your efforts from today !
Thursday, 11 July 2013
Heart Melting And Inspiring True Story Of An Amazing Stray Animal Lover !
This is a true story of an amazing person who loves stray animals more than his life. Trust me if i am saying more than his life, so i mean it. Now a days very rare people are like him. I am proud i am having he like my own child. I want to share about him with my all dear friends. This may inspire you.
That person is from Mumbai - India.
One day i received a call from him. He was talking about stray dogs and about his animal welfare activities. I asked who gave my number !? He took senior vet Dr Swali's name. Dr Swali is the person who knows me very well and respects me for my love for strays, my sincerity and sincere animal activities. He shares my contact number with genuine people only otherwise never. I respect Dr Swali a lot. I call him uncle.
So there was no question of any doubt now.
That person wanted to meet me regarding stray work. I told him some day we will surely meet.
After that i forget him because i always receive so many calls like him so just slipped from my mind. After long long time he called me again about a stray and wanted to ask few things so i helped. But because of my stray work schedules i again forgot him.
One day i visited to Dr Swali with my baby Chotu Matta for his vaccination. I heard doctor's words. He was telling somebody, look who has come, Manisha Matta has come .He called me inside the clinic and gave introduction of the person who was standing there along with a pet ( stray). He was that person only. So finally we met first time at uncle's clinic. He left for his home then. I asked to doctor about him. Doctor said, Manisha, i have no more words to say, if you can believe i will say in few words that i respect you a lot for your good deeds and karma. You are an amazing soul and strays are your life so trust me the same he is !!
After that whenever that person tried to talk to me or needed any help or information for strays i did sincerely. Slowly i came to know about his great stray animal activities.
Here are those. Without any doubt he was doing amazing work for strays with his own money ( though currently he is not earning, he is not on any job still he is doing from his savings ). And it is continue till date. He do stray feeding, not only in his location but in so many areas he do. His stray feeding schedule starts in afternoon/ evening and till late night night 2.30 am - 3 am he do.
Amazing thing is that he not only feeding but he call private vets and try to give vaccinations to all strays so they can live a healthy life, he rescue and send stray kids for their sterilization and visit there to meet them regularly. Post operation he get them back in their areas and takes a lot care of them.
He gives proper treatment when ever stray dogs/ pups are sick or injured. He give medicines, clean the wounds, apply ointments other necessary things with his own hands . When the stray kid is on medication then does not matter he will go and feed him/ her even 2-3 times a day.
Some times he keep the stray kids in private kennel if needed/ till their recovery.
His younger brother is working with a company. See the greatness of this brother. After coming back from his office he also do help to his elder brother in stray feeding. Here i will not ignore their papa's greatness who also help the sons when ever they require his help for stray lives.
Trust me friends, there are rare animal lovers like them specially that elder brother who not only doing stray feeding to quite a big number in his own location and some other areas, but along with feeding he do rescue work, follow vaccination schedule, their sterilization, treatment of ill and accident cases, take care of senior stray dogs, and many many more things he do to save innocent stray angels.
The biggest thing is, he refuse to be silent towards cruelty to strays. He understands their unsaid pain and forget to sleep in nights if any emergency with stray kid. Whole night he will spend with the needy, will pamper and will take care for him/ her. He cries so much when he see mute innocent beings in so much pain !!
He never ignore strays' needs. He never ever give up on them till their last breath.
But sadly people have awarded him by given him a name 'Pagal' (mad) for his stray love. People insult him, fight with him. Some times it hurts him a lot but for sake of strays' well being he forget everything.
Some organizations have stopped taking cases of his stray dogs when they needed help. For what reason !?
The reason is as i already told he refused to be silent if he see some wrong things happening with strays. He try to talk about some facts for their well being. So some people tried to prove him wrong. He is their target.
When i heard all about this i started visiting in his location to know the truth. I started meeting people, shopkeepers , security guards of buildings, parks, temples and restaurants where he goes for feeding, treatments. I came to know the whole truth about him. So true he is.
The truth is - he is a true angel for stray lives. he is the man of his words and commitment towards stray animals. Everybody told me not only about his stray feeding but stories of his kindness towards stray lives. The things were clear now.
One side is ego of some persons, untruthfulness, politics of some so called animal lovers and at the other side is kindness, sincere, honest, true love and care of this person towards stray lives, some proofs against those people which he showed me.
And my respect goes with that amazing person. I am with his sincerity, honesty, kindness, true love, care for our stray animals.
Because i am the same and i always stand by the side of truth, kindness towards our beloved stray angels. Stray animals are my babies.
I will never forgive myself if i will ignore or avoid to help this amazing person, a savior of stray lives. I really do not want to lose one true caring person and savior of innocent lives. Because he is already disheartened by the harsh behavior of some so called animal lovers/ other people. Because when he needs any help for strays, for saving their lives, or need to admit a ill, injured kid, to admit or sterilize or for vaccinate them, no body gives him response. They ignore him/ his calls. So he take them to private vets or call private vet at the locations.
I strongly believe that God is there to help for his own mute living beings. HE is there to take care of everything and will surely help this person for innocent precious souls.
So I respect you. Hats off to you and my salute to you dear Himesh Chande from bottom of my heart. You are an amazing kind person with a golden heart.
You are an angel for stray lives. You are the center of their universe. You are their voice.
Thank you so much for taking so much care of stray precious souls.
Thank you so much for saving three stray siblings by adopting them. You adopted them not with pity but with your love and gave them a home and a lot care.
Thanks to your younger brother Anand who helps you in feeding and other things after coming back from office.
Thank you so much for everything whatever you are doing to save stray precious souls.
May God bless you dear.
I respect and love those angels from cores of my heart who support, protect, feed, love, care for stray innocent precious souls.
May God bless all.
Thursday, 4 July 2013
Pet And Homeless Animals Care During Monsoon !
This is monsoon season. As a pet parent and as an animal lover you must be concerned for not only your pets' health but also you should take care of homeless animals too. Pets/ animal's life become extremely stressed during monsoon. What type of problems your pet and you suppose to face and how to combat with it. Due to high moisture content in the air, there is a tendency that your pet/ animals suffer from different diseases.
Here are some useful tips for how to take care of your four legged furry babies during monsoon.
* Very first thing is be sure that before monsoon starts, De-worming and all other vaccinations schedule should be updated. This is useful and essential during the monsoon season as it prevents your pet/ animals from monsoon related worst diseases like Distemper and Parvovirus and other issues. De-worming keeps their immune power good.
* Not only your Pet but all animals fear the noise of thunder storm, lightning. This is very stressful and scary for them. They become panic. You can easily recognize stress from its behavior. Behavior may show like salivating, shiver, tremble, rubbing or scratching paws against the door, floor, wardrobes, furniture. They will walk behind you. At that time pamper the pooch, shut all the windows and curtains. Keep some smoothing music/ television on. Talk polite words to them. They will feel comfortable and secure in your company. Do not take your pet for a walk at the time and ensure that he/she is not left alone in the house.
* When it is raining avoid taking your pet for a walk without raincoat and boots.. If this precaution is not taken then due to exposure to mud and dirty water, pet's paws will get infected. And there are chances of fungal infection, skin diseases, ticks, etc. While walking you should lead and control on him so he should not try to pick or eat anything from the ground. It is very risky for pets' health.
* During rains after coming from a walk dry your pets' paw pads and body with a clean towel . Otherwise it will develop the fungal infections and other skin diseases.
* Ensure to cleaning and drying your pets' ears with soft napkin during monsoon. Due to high moisture content, wetness, wax in ears will develop and will create a lot ear problems and ear infections.
* During rainy season keep your pet warm. He should sit or sleep on a warm bed with blanket. It will provide him comfort and secure. During this season there are chances that he may get cold, cough, fever, pneumonia, vomiting, diarrhea, gastro, etc.So keep all the medicines handy.
* Food plays an important role in pet care . Choose a wise and balanced diet for him. During rainy season pets' diet should mainly consist of fiber rich food. Try to give homemade food to him. Avoid dairy products during monsoon as some pets grow an allergy to dairy products like milk. Buttermilk is good to give at that time. Banana is good for your pet as that help him who suffer from indigestion.
* Reduce your pets' food intake during monsoon. It will help to digest the food and also will burn all the fats. Also avoid giving cold water and cold, spicy, oily food.
* Store commercial food/ excess food in proper containers.
* Maintaining a good hygiene through cleaning your pet's water and food bowls will help.
* Regular exercise is must for the pet even during the season. Because during monsoon no more outdoor activities to do so indoor exercise and games will keep your pet fit and healthy . Avoid elevators instead use stair cases for coming up and down. It its a very good exercise for your pet during rains..
* In a lot stress, thunder, storm, flood pets/ homeless animals may run away and get lost. So make sure your pet is micro chipped. Because a micro chipped pet has the chance of being returned to owners.
* Remember monsoons may prove fatal for pet/ all homeless animals. So your careful monitoring is important and take quick actions in case of emergency.
The most important thing. Be kind not only to your pet but also to all homeless animals. They are the most sufferers. Homeless animals desperately need us. Not only in monsoons but always you should support, protect and care for all animals. Do not ignore them. Do not give up on them. They are precious souls. They have no voice without you. Make a difference by saving homeless innocent lives. Start from today !
Monday, 3 June 2013
My Only Crime - Being Born. Share My Prayer !
From my diary one more true story - grave of an old and three legged stray angel (dog). Here is his pain in my words.
My friends, I am a three legged old stray dog.
I do not have request for a safe place to live, to sleep, attention. I have followed you through various moves. In good or bad time, I am your companion, always be there at your feet. I never gave up on you in the hard times, why you have given up and discarded me. You alone are the centre of my universe. I have not ask for much, just keep me, to love me and let me live in peaceful healthy life.
Why my shadow is only my friend you are not by my side? Why I m not allowed to stay forever at one place? Why I am suffering, scared and defeated? Why I am betrayed by humans?
This is my only crime, being born !?
My friends, please do realize before it is too late that My soul is the same as in all living creatures only body is different.
Here is not only me is alone who is born to suffer in pain and die. There are my million brothers and sisters who are suffering from the same pain.
This is an old dog's request to you all human beings. Please give your attention to us. We all need your love, care and protection to survive. We too are God's creatures. We deserve happiness. We don't want to die same like you do not. Our lives are in your hands. Please save our lives.
Rescue, adopt, foster, volunteer, sponsor, donate, spread the word of kindness for us, share, whatever in small or big effort but please do help and support us. You only can be our saviours.
Thank you my friend for hearing me.
Yours only,
-An old and three legged stray dog.
This is a true story and original picture clicked by me. This precious child lives on the street of Ghatkopar area. He has three legs. In an accident because of a human he lost his left hind leg. He is living a miserable life. He is very much scared of humans. Even other stray dogs tease him and try to hurt him and he can not run fast to protect himself. So he is very much scared.
Because he wants to be loved so he cries all the time in strange manner. But sad people do not look at him. When I visited their and wanted to touch him, hug and pamper him he started running and hide himself under a car. He was scared. I started talking with him from some distance. He started crying when he heard my polite voice.
It was heart breaking. Tears rolled on my cheeks.
One of my kind friends is feeding this precious soul and is giving love to the kid. The kid only trust on my friend. I am happy that finally the kid is loved by at least someone?
I always ask for forgiveness from animals. No doubt because of human beings they are suffering and are on risk. Please forgive me precious souls.
This is my pledge and my promise to you I will never give up on you like you never gave up on me in my hard times. You are a life and it is my duty to respect your life, to protect and help you.
This is responsibility of every human being to respect, help and protect all other living beings !
Thank you.
~ Manisha Matta
Wednesday, 29 May 2013
Story Of Jackie - Happy Ending !
Today I will tell you the story of Jackie.
Meet Jackie. He is pure Indian breed, our stray baby. How handsome he is. Isn't he ?
Jackie was born on one of the Mumbai streets. When he was small 1.5 month old puppy he got severely ill with some born disease. Due to this disease his all four legs became very weak and he was unable to walk. He was suffering in pain on the street.
But God was with Jackie. Kind souls Priyanka and her family ( who live in my colony ) appeared like angels. She wrapped him in her arms and adopted him from street. They removed the name tag of 'stray' and gave him a sweet name Jackie. He is only Jackie.
Before taking him in their home Priyanka and her family never gave a thought to his illness. They took the baby to the private vet and started treatment for his born problem and some other problems too. Whole family took a lot care of him. With their love and care he is very good in his health now. Priyanka daily take him for walks in our colony. He is such a sweet heart kid.
Jackie is above one year now. He is a happy kid. He is the life of whole family.
This is true love and compassion for a stray. Priyanka and her family appeared as angels in Jackie's life and adopted him direct from street, otherwise he might have died. Hats off. Happy ending.
May God bless this lovely family and Jackie.
I wish every human should be kind like this amazing family. If so then trust me things will surely work for animals in distress. No one homeless animal will suffer then.
My request please share this post and spread the word for homeless animals. There is a lot lack of awareness about stray animals. They desperately need us to survive. By your kind efforts and help every time you will be saving an innocent life. Your efforts will make a lot changes.
Start from your neighbourhood today !
Meet Jackie. He is pure Indian breed, our stray baby. How handsome he is. Isn't he ?
Jackie was born on one of the Mumbai streets. When he was small 1.5 month old puppy he got severely ill with some born disease. Due to this disease his all four legs became very weak and he was unable to walk. He was suffering in pain on the street.
But God was with Jackie. Kind souls Priyanka and her family ( who live in my colony ) appeared like angels. She wrapped him in her arms and adopted him from street. They removed the name tag of 'stray' and gave him a sweet name Jackie. He is only Jackie.
Before taking him in their home Priyanka and her family never gave a thought to his illness. They took the baby to the private vet and started treatment for his born problem and some other problems too. Whole family took a lot care of him. With their love and care he is very good in his health now. Priyanka daily take him for walks in our colony. He is such a sweet heart kid.
Jackie is above one year now. He is a happy kid. He is the life of whole family.
This is true love and compassion for a stray. Priyanka and her family appeared as angels in Jackie's life and adopted him direct from street, otherwise he might have died. Hats off. Happy ending.
May God bless this lovely family and Jackie.
I wish every human should be kind like this amazing family. If so then trust me things will surely work for animals in distress. No one homeless animal will suffer then.
My request please share this post and spread the word for homeless animals. There is a lot lack of awareness about stray animals. They desperately need us to survive. By your kind efforts and help every time you will be saving an innocent life. Your efforts will make a lot changes.
Start from your neighbourhood today !
Monday, 27 May 2013
Grave Of Strays/ Homeless Animals !
My heart is crying and burning for stray lives. I Saw a worst accident case and on the spot death of an innocent mute life.
I want to share few things. This is for all our strays/ homeless animals who are suffering the most and unwilling hearts. Why they are born to die !? Human has left them with no place to call home. Things are to animals is the same as always. Though they are God's creatures, living beings like we are. They too have a body, heart and a soul like we have. But the real pity is people ignore them, hit them, kick them, hurt them, poison them, kill them, treat them in the worst ways they can because they are scared of these innocent beings. They think animals will hurt them so hate them.
But the real pity is that the animals are on the first place are the ones who are scared. Why do human do not understand they too have body, blood, borns and heart. The fear is worst than death for animals. As a living being we fear pains and sufferings, we want to live and not to die then how can we forget about them that they too are living beings and want happiness, want to live not to die !?
I don not know what innocent living beings have done ? My heart melts when I see in their eyes a lot love, hopes and pain.
This is betrayal of a heart, a soul that deeply trusted in everything on humans. They have only us. They want to be loved ones and a corner in our hearts. They are dependent on us. We are their world. We alone are the centre of their hearts.
They are most adorable creatures.They have true pureness of love, they love truly and deeply. They do not know you are rich or poor, ugly or beautiful, they only know that you are their world and how to love unconditionally to you.
Let all human should understand God has created all living beings. He created us as a human being, give us voice. He created other living beings but without voice. So they should not require our permission to live on earth. God has given this right to them too. Being a human this is our responsibility to take care of another living beings who have no voice. Why should innocent lives suffer !?
Such short little lives they have to spend with humans. Human should wholeheartedly accept them. They need our help and protection to survive. Support and care for a stray/homeless animal by getting heart warm treatment of the human society.
There is a lot lack of awareness and attention. Everybody should come forward to help these sweet beings and precious souls. Work together will make a change. Such awareness not only required to be appreciated but also to be followed and implemented.
Choose to be kind and help and save the lives of mute innocent living beings, they have only you. They should not betrayed/ killed by humans. They should be loved, cared, protect by us.
I do respect and love to all kind souls who love and care for strays/ homeless animals and are voice of them.
Please learn it, teach it and do not hesitate to share it.
Thank you.
~ Manisha Matta
Friday, 17 May 2013
Help Animals In Distress - Labrador Mother And Son Are Up For Free Adoption !
I am sharing this post behalf of Anoopa.
-Manisha Matta
On the left of this photograph is a 5-year-old female Labador. On the right is her 2-year-old son. Both of them have been rescued from a house where they were being severely mistreated. The mother seems to have a proble...m with her right eye and the son had a spinal injury. The original "family" told us that both injuries took place because the dogs tried to jump off a wall, whatever that means. The son, because he was boisterous, had his mouth AND feet tied up everyday, for the entire time that the man of the house was away at work. Both dogs are currently in a shelter. They are inseparable and need to find a home together. Since they've been through enough trauma already, separation from each other is not ideal.
To adopt, please call me, Anoopa, on 9845430054. Please please share this forward, so we can end their misery for once and for all.
Thursday, 16 May 2013
Animal In Distress. Snowy - Up For Free Adoption !
Name : Snowy
Gender : Male
Age : 5 - 5. 5 years
Breed : Pomeranian
Location : Andheri - Mumbai
Look at this handsome and healthy boy Snowy. He is up for adoption. His owner is an old lady. Her daughter got married and the lady is alone in house so genuinely unable to take care of him. She can not manage when she goes out in Mumbai/ out of Mumbai because she has no care taker to take care of the boy in her absence. She loves the boy very much but she has no other option. She is sad with her decision.
Gender : Male
Age : 5 - 5. 5 years
Breed : Pomeranian
Location : Andheri - Mumbai
Look at this handsome and healthy boy Snowy. He is up for adoption. His owner is an old lady. Her daughter got married and the lady is alone in house so genuinely unable to take care of him. She can not manage when she goes out in Mumbai/ out of Mumbai because she has no care taker to take care of the boy in her absence. She loves the boy very much but she has no other option. She is sad with her decision.
Snowy is very friendly and sweet by nature.
Please Adopt / Share / Spread the word for Snowy. These are the most important keys to help our beloved furry friends.
This is urgent. Only genuine families may contact.
This is urgent. Only genuine families may contact.
Contact number : 9167652675
Snowy will wait for some positive response.
Thanks in advance to those kind souls who will come forward to help Snowy.
Snowy will wait for some positive response.
Thanks in advance to those kind souls who will come forward to help Snowy.
Lakdi - One Of My Toughest Rescue Cases !
This is Lakdi (stick). She is from my location. She is the part of my daily stray feeding.
Do not laugh at his name. Some reason behind it why I gave her this name. Because she is thin but very active and alert. Her body is very stiff like lakdi (stick) only. When she runs no one can catch her. While running she looks very funny as at the time her body looks like somebody has thrown a stick in the air.
One day she suddenly disappeared. I kept searching her for so many mornings, afternoons, nights but was unable to find her. After some days she suddenly appeared on her feeding time. But we were scared to see her. Her face was badly injured and one ear and one eye was swollen and completely closed. She was in trauma. When I went close to her she started crying and running. After that it is a big story of hide and seek. She was sometimes appearing in afternoons and sometimes in nights. I started keeping an eye on her. It was continue for so many days. I was worried about her. Because of wounds there were chances of maggots. I called Ida India for help. Thanks to them they gave excellent response for the kid. But she had severe injuries and pain so she again disappeared. Ida people came 2-3 times for her.
Very tough story of her rescue but God helped me otherwise she would have died. Finally after so many days I got success in rescued her and called Ida again. And as usual Ida again gave very quick response. They took her at their Deonar - Mumbai centre.
Lakdi was admitted in Ida. Vets and care takers took so much good care of her. After her full recovery they hand overed Lakdi to us on my colony gate. 10-12 days has passed. My maids took her inside our colony. Now she is living here in my compound happily. She play with us a lot, love us so much. She eats properly and she is doing good by her health. May God bless her.
Thanks to God for everything. I am very thankful to my family, my husband and both children who always support and help me so much in my work, whatever rescue, adoptions, treatments, feeding, so many other things. In Lakdi's rescue My Husband helped me so much !!
Thank you once again Ida India from cores of my heart for always your quick response and great work. Hats off to entire Ida team. May God bless them. They are doing amazing work indeed and provide day and night services.
May God bless all kind souls who are helping our furry friends. They need us. They have no voice without us. Please be voice of them.
See the pictures of Ladki - Before I rescued and then after treatment from Ida, playing in my colony.
Tuesday, 9 April 2013
Laughing Mona ! Up For Free Adoption !
Precious Soul :
Every body knows about Laughing Buddha..But have you ever seen Laughing MONA ?
No !?
Then meet Laughing Mona here. She is a sweetheart kid, a brave soldier who fought for her life and become a winner.
Location : Ghatkopar - East, Mumbai.
Mona is very cute and friendly. Suddenly one day she became ill and had Distemper. One kind soul and genuine stray animal lover Himesh took her a lot care about her health, treatment, food, medicines, vet, saline, everything and saved her life.
May God bless both that kind soul and Mona.
Location : Ghatkopar - East, Mumbai.
Mona is very cute and friendly. Suddenly one day she became ill and had Distemper. One kind soul and genuine stray animal lover Himesh took her a lot care about her health, treatment, food, medicines, vet, saline, everything and saved her life.
May God bless both that kind soul and Mona.
She is very happy and saying Hello to everyone. Say hello to her !
She deserve a home and family, doesn't she ?
Please help this precious soul by adopting her.
Contact : 9167652675
Please share !
She deserve a home and family, doesn't she ?
Please help this precious soul by adopting her.
Contact : 9167652675
Please share !
Do Not Buy Your Pet But Adopt. Save Innocent Homeless Stray Lives.
Thursday, 21 March 2013
Awareness About Voiceless Innocent Lives (All Animals) - Must Share !
Watching the ground beneath me, struggling I slip away, In your day you think of how many you’ll bolt dead, I see it in your eyes, you meet mine, I just pray, T...o you I am a tag with a number, enough said…
Your too busy writing this tragedy of death, your glory, You hide what you do even from yourself, for if you look, There’s nothing good at all in how you live, end of story, Take not another life, think of all you already took…
Let go and see the beauty in your breakdown, change, I may not feel it in this life, but those after me might, I hear the voices of my sisters and brothers, rearrange, The behaviors of humans so that sentient’s have life…
I breathe your air, you can rescue me, I make no sound, Really I don’t have a say in the matter, here I am fading, Who am I to make a judgement of your life, I drown, Blood just pours from me, strung up on this chain hanging…
Your too busy writing this tragedy of death, your glory, You hide what you do even from yourself, for if you look, There’s nothing good at all in how you live, end of story, Take not another life, think of all you already took…
Let go and see the beauty in your breakdown, change, I may not feel it in this life, but those after me might, I hear the voices of my sisters and brothers, rearrange, The behaviors of humans so that sentient’s have life…
I breathe your air, you can rescue me, I make no sound, Really I don’t have a say in the matter, here I am fading, Who am I to make a judgement of your life, I drown, Blood just pours from me, strung up on this chain hanging…
~ By
People For Cattle in India ( PFCI )
Animals are in danger from the human. Though there are laws and rules to protect animals. Sadly cruelty to animals and other things are the same as always.
Please help all animals. Do not be silent. They are God's creatures like us human beings. They have right and they deserve to live their lives without threats, happily in peace. They have no voice but you have. Be kind to them. They need our help to survive. They need our love care and protection. Speak for them and save their lives. To one innocent life you may be the world !!
Rescue them not only with your hands and pity but with your heart and out of love.
My dear friends, I am doing my part of duties towards other living beings everyday and request to you all, being a living being do your part of responsibilities towards them. Make your life meaningful !
Must share if you agree with me.
~ Manisha Matta
Animals are in danger from the human. Though there are laws and rules to protect animals. Sadly cruelty to animals and other things are the same as always.
Please help all animals. Do not be silent. They are God's creatures like us human beings. They have right and they deserve to live their lives without threats, happily in peace. They have no voice but you have. Be kind to them. They need our help to survive. They need our love care and protection. Speak for them and save their lives. To one innocent life you may be the world !!
Rescue them not only with your hands and pity but with your heart and out of love.
My dear friends, I am doing my part of duties towards other living beings everyday and request to you all, being a living being do your part of responsibilities towards them. Make your life meaningful !
Must share if you agree with me.
~ Manisha Matta
Tuesday, 19 March 2013
Liver Cancer (Hepatocellular Carcinoma) in Dogs .
Liver cancer is a tumor of the epithelial tissues of the liver, that lines the surfaces and the cavities of dogs' body structure. It is one of the most dangerous forms of the disease and is a silent killer. Because many dogs do not even show any distinct symptoms until it is too late. Liver cancer in dog affect mostly older dogs ( around 10 years and above ) more than younger dogs. So dog parents and all animal lovers need to be educate themselves as much as they can and be careful of this disease.
Types of Dog liver cancer :
There are two types of liver cancer in dogs.
1- Primary Liver Cancer, arises within the liver. It is the result of primary liver tumor that originates in the liver. The most common primary liver tumor usually does not spread to other parts of the body. It mostly occurs in older dogs ( specially in male dogs ). In rare cases Primary liver cancer in dogs can metastasize to other parts of the body.
2- Secondary / Metastatic Liver Cancer, is one that spread to the liver from other organs and common in dogs. Because the liver is the largest organ in the dog's body. It is involved in bodily functions and processes. Medications are metabolized in the liver and putting a lot of stress on the liver. This is the reason of all secondary/ metastatic cancers. Metastatic liver tumors are generally multiple aggregation of cells.
Symptoms of Dog liver cancer :
Sadly in the early stage of dog liver cancer, symptoms are not distinctive until the disease reaches an advanced stage.
Some of Symptoms are :
Appetite loss, anemia as a result of appetite loss/ internal bleeding, pale gums as a sign of anemia, jaundice as a result of anemia and liver disease, blood in stools as a sign of internal bleeding, lethargy, diarrhea, vomiting, weight loss, excessive urination and thirst, abdominal haemorrhage, weakness, behavioural symptom, etc.Causes of dog liver cancer :
Causes of dog liver cancer are unknown. May be related to environmental factors such as chemical driven liver damage or causes may be toxins. Because dogs are exposed on a daily basis to such toxins and chemicals which may be contained in household cleaners/ pesticides.
If dog is being fed a low-quality commercial dog food, is constantly being exposed to harmful and some dangerous chemicals contained in the food such as artificial flavors and colouring.
Diagnosis of dog lever cancer :
This is difficult to diagnosis early enough liver cancer in dog. If dog shows some of symptoms, do not do late to take him to a veterinarian for an immediate examination. Veterinarian will perform a physical examination on dog to see some other conditions. If dog liver cancer is suspected then it may require some following tests.
Biochemical profile, complete blood count test, urinalysis, liver biopsy, clotting tests, abdominal ultrasound, abdominal and chest x-rays. Also a microscopic test of fluid will be taken from dog liver by needle to detect a pre-cancerous change in tissues and cells. A hepatic biopsy may need to be done to make a conclusive diagnosis.
Treatment in dog lever cancer :
Liver cancer in dog is a tough battle of life and is not easily treated. The treatment depends upon the severity of the condition. Very first veterinarian will work to stabilize dog's condition and to ease his discomfort and pain.
Disease is usually not diagnosed in the early stage. So options of treatment go down when the cancer is in an advanced stage. Dog may require a blood transfusion. If the dog has a primary liver tumor, there is possibility of a surgery to remove part of the liver. Surgery of this type is a dangerous procedure and only should be attempted when the exact location of the tumor is known. But not in all dogs. And If cancer is metastatic then radiotherapy or chemotherapy may be tried for removing cancer cells.
Natural remedies, herbs and diet for liver cancer in dog:
Though dog liver cancer has a poor worsen prognosis but one should not give up. Try various treatment options such as homeopathic, herbs, natural supplements, home made diets, etc.
Herbs are good for strengthening the immune system. They support the liver, kidneys and make the body stronger to fight against cancer.
AHCC, Avemar, Astragalus, Echinacea, red clover, burdock root, alfalfa, dandelion, essiac, milk thistle, green tea, garlic, ginger mashrooms, are good suggestions for dog with liver cancer.
Mostly veterinarians suggest homemade diet for liver cancer dog patient which should be low in carbohydrate and high in fat, high quality proteins, amino acids, beneficial vegetables.
Also some beneficial supplements should be given. Vitamin C and E, the minerals selenium, etc.
Very Important Note : The goal of treatment for dog liver cancer should be to try to improve his quality of life. A dog with liver cancer is under a lot of stress, physically as well mentally. Always try to help relax the mind of the dog. Do everything for his well being and to keep his mind calm.
The best thing is always keep the dog with liver cancer in under observation and visit for regular medical checkups.
In advanced stages,there is not so much that can be done to cure the cancer. Vet may bring up the possibility of euthanasia.
Remember If discovered early, dog liver cancer may be treatable.
Never give up the hopes.
Monday, 18 March 2013
Our Sweet Indian Breed Puppy Leo Got Adopted !
Good news.
Leo got adopted. He is a our sweet Indian breed puppy (stray). He got adopted yesterday (17th March) by Jasmine Darukhanawalla and her loving family from Andheri ( Mumbai). Thanks to them for giving a sweet home, their love and care to an innocent mute life.
Thanks to Vikram Shastri who fostered the puppy and took a lot care of him.
Very special thanks to Daisy who put her the best efforts in this adoption and helped me so much for the kid.
May God bless all.
Our millions angels are still waiting for a home and family. They desperately need our help.
Remember, rather than buying a pet from breeder/pet shop consider saving a stray life by adopting. Take steps to make this world a safer place for all animals specially our homeless stray animals. They also have right to live their lives without pain, happily. They deserve a home to live and our love and care.
Thanks to all kind souls who are putting their efforts in any way to help animals in distress.
Monday, 11 March 2013
Help Homeless Animals And Birds !
Every year in summer season a large number of animals and birds die due to lack of water and dehydration. Be kind to the animals and birds. You can save them by a simple act of kindness.
Keep water bowls in your balcony, roofs, windows, road-side, park, everywhere you can. It is not only in hot summer days that animals and birds need drinking water. Like humans, they need it everyday.
Share my article if you are kind and agree with me. When you can share so many things then why not this? A small effort on your part is saving hundreds of innocent lives.
Thanks to all those kind souls who are already doing and thanks to all those who will definitely start from today !
Keep water bowls in your balcony, roofs, windows, road-side, park, everywhere you can. It is not only in hot summer days that animals and birds need drinking water. Like humans, they need it everyday.
Share my article if you are kind and agree with me. When you can share so many things then why not this? A small effort on your part is saving hundreds of innocent lives.
Thanks to all those kind souls who are already doing and thanks to all those who will definitely start from today !
Monday, 25 February 2013
Medicines required for disables/ill dogs and cats. **Urgent**
Urgent help is required for disabled, ill with severe diseases dogs and cats in Mumbai. This is urgent requirement as all medicines stock is over.
Please come forward and help the speechless angels and save innocent lives.
Sharing is a key to help. Please share as much as you can and spread the word for help. They have no voice but you have voice. Support mute creatures and share their pain and problems.Start from your neighbourhood today ! Make a difference !
Contact : 9167652675
List Of Medicines and few other eatable items:
Sharkaferol - pet
Liveferol syrup.
Healthup syrup.
San-cal syrup.
Mucaine Gel.
Acrilin cream
Euclytus Oil
Becosules syrup.
Betnesol Oral
Gardinal (30mg/60mg)
Nor-metrogyl (tablet/ syrup)
Cipcon syrup
Metrogyl I.V
Domistal syrup.
Narayan Oil
Digiton syrup
Cheston (not expectorant) ie.,with green colour label
Flur eye drops
Wokazole lotion
Caladryl lotion
Mox (250mg tab/capsule)
Mox (125/250 mg syrup)
Flagyl tablet/ syrup
Neurobion forte
Chymoral forte
Rantac tablet.
Neomec tablet
Advance syrup.
Flickout spray
Topicure spray
Electral powder
Glocose powder
Betadine solution (large bottles)
Cotton Roll & gauze pad
Scissor to remove maggots
Syringe (2 /5/10/25 ml)
Pet joint
Grillintus syrup.
Crocin syrup.
Ibugesic Plus
Saline bottles
I.V. sets
Drontal Plus - 200 tablets.
Albomar / Albendozole
Marie Biscuits
Pedigree (Adult/Puppy)
Friday, 8 February 2013
Healthy, Nutritious and Balanced diet for canine (dogs) Part - 1
Every dog has different nutritional requirements (like every human). As a responsible dog lover you should know what is good, bad, safe, unsafe, dangerous for the dog. It is the most important to check with experienced veterinarian to determine what foods are best for a dog because the food is the foundation of all life.
Dogs require a diet with a balance of protein, carbohydrates, adequate amounts of fats and essential fatty acids, vitamins, minerals in order to maintain good health. They do well on a small breakfast and two proper meals daily. Well-planned diet vegetarian or non- vegetarian can work good for dog.
Dogs should be fed a combination of fresh and dried foods.The fresh home made food is much healthier than the processed food for dogs. Fresh home made food is beneficial to the dog's diet because you can include any type of vegetables, non vegetarian, fruits, etc according to choice. I always prefer and feed fresh home made food to my pet.
According to my research I would like to share about the healthy and balanced diet for dogs and what is good, bad or harmful for them. But as i said above, you consult the vet.
Safe and beneficial fresh vegetables for dogs :
Most vegetables are good for dogs. Vegetables are rich in Vitamin A and C as well as minerals.
Vitamin A - promotes immune system and also is essential to healthy skin, eye function, skeletal growth, etc.
Vitamin C - strengthens the immune system and promotes cell growth, etc.
Minerals - transportation of oxygen to the blood, produce hormones, help to normal functioning of nerves and muscles, work with vitamins to cartilage formation, etc.
Some examples :
* Sweet potatoes - good source of dietary fiber, carbohydrates and vitamin B6, vitamin C, beta carotene, healthy for dogs.
* Carrots : good for dog's eyesight
* Spinach - rich in iron and vitamins
* Celery - quells nervousness
* Parsley - good source of calcium, potassium, beta-carotene. Few tablespoons of chopped parsley is nice for food flavour and good for improve dog's breath
* Broccoli - is rich in calcium, vitamin A and vitamin C ( as much calcium as a glass of milk/ more vitamin C than an orange ). It is rich in a substance caused isothiocyanates chemicals which increase the body's production of cancer fighting substances. It is always available in winter season.
Remember Broccoli should be giving around 10% of the dog's diet because isothiocyanate can cause gastrointestinal irritation in dog.
* Peas - peas are a good source of the vitamin B, potassium, phosphorous. It is safe to add in dog's food.
* Pumpkin - pumpkin is a good source of fiber and beta carotene and converts to vitamin A. Fiber is very good for puppies and dogs.
But never over do, give small amounts because vitamin A in large dose can be highly toxic for them so be aware.
* Green beans - good source of plant fiber, vitamin C, vitamin K, manganese. This is a great low calorie way to fill up and help in maintaining dog's weight.
* Squash - is a good source of beta-carotene. Safe for dog's diet. Before giving to dog remove the seeds first.
* Cucumber, Zucchini, lettuce, Cayenne pepper, Red and Green bell peppers, Kale are also safe and beneficial for dogs.
Unsafe and toxic vegetables for dogs.
* Onions - Onions are toxic for dogs. Very unsafe. It destroy red blood cells and can cause anemia.
* Garlic - like onion, N-propyldisulfide compound found in garlic also ( but in lesser amount ) which can cause oxidative damage to red blood cells. If regular large doses of this compound are given to dog in his/her diet, the process can lead to Heinz-body anemia.In a very small portion only you may give to do dog in his diet as it is considered natures antibiotic.
* Tomatoes - Tomato plants are toxic. Unsafe to add in dog's diet because it can cause heart arrhythmias and tremors.
* Potatoes - is unsafe if dog is diabetic or suffering from arthritis or cancer disease. Because potato convert to sugar/ starch which is very unsafe for dog who is suffering from above diseases.
Safe and beneficial fresh fruits for dogs :
Dogs can benefit from the nutrients derived from fruits such as vitamin A, vitamin C, potassium , fiber. There are some fruits which you can safely give to dogs as treats.
Apple, banana, orange, pear, peaches, plum, cherries, strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, cranberries, watermelon, cantaloupe, apricot, kiwi. Even you can give Eggplant fruit and pineapple in very small amount to dog. You may give Eggplant, only the fruit, but not any other part. And pineapple contains calcium and potassium but also contains high sugar. So not advisable to give frequently/ to diabetic dog.
Remove pits or seeds of most fruits for sure. Because pits or seeds have a toxic effect and contains some amount of cyanide which can be poisonous to dog and can cause dizziness, vomiting, diarrhea, etc.
Unsafe fresh fruits for dogs :
Grapes/ raisins, avocados, contains a toxin. Dog exhibit gastrointestinal problems, also can cause difficulty breathing and fluid accumulation in the heart, chest and abdomen. And cause acute rental failure.
Apple, peach, pear, cherry seeds contains a powerful toxin ( though in small amounts ) so do not feed frequently to dog and remove seeds before give to dog.
Safe and beneficial non-vegetarian food for dogs :
* Eggs - are loaded with Vitamins, proteins and minerals. It should not be given raw. It can result in salmonella poisoning. Best way to give is scrambled or hard-boiled. Not advisable to give in hot summer. It can cause stomach upset/ diarrhea.
* Fish - is an excellent source of protein. It is good for skin and fur of dog. Meat of Solomon fishes good source of Omega 3 fatty acids. These fats support to build a healthy immune system and is good for dog with arthritis disease.
Never give fish raw to dog. It is extremely unsafe for dog. Because there are parasites in the fish meat that can be very harmful for the dog. Consider giving cooked fish meat. Also make sure there are no bones in the fish meat that could be stuck in dog's throat.
* Lean meat ( chicken, beef, pork ) - is source of B Vitamins which are involved in energy metabolism. And also is an source of amino acids which help build your dogs muscles. Before giving to dog it should be fresh, washed and cooked.
* Liver - is excellent source of vitamin A, Vitamin B, Vitamin K and Iron. Wash and cook before giving to dog.
Remember because of high A vitamins it may be toxic so it should be given in limited amount to dog.
Note - Before adding in dogs diet be sure meats should be boneless and skin is removed, cooked. Raw meat may cause food poisoning and parasites.
Safe / unsafe Grains, pulses, cereals for dogs :
Grains, pulses, lentils, cereals are important part of a healthy and balanced diet for dogs. They can be a source of energy for dogs. Any grain should be used in whole form to dog, that supplies more vitamins, fiber, minerals. Best grains for dogs are oats, millet, barley, quinoa, brown rice.
* Brown rice, White rice, wheat, whole wheat Couscous, barley, rolled oatmeal, Millet, Barley, split yellow lentil, split red lentil, etc are good to add in dogs diet but not in large amounts.
* Brown rice is a little higher in protein and lower in fat as compare to white rice. White rice is more easily digestible when dog has an upset stomach/ for an older dog, even for puppies.
* Lentils are good for dogs. They are good source of protein and do not cause gas problems. Split yellow lentil and split red lentil are most digestible lentils for dogs. They should boil and mix with rice, vegetables, meat. Even they can be mix in soups also.
* Oatmeal is beneficial for dogs specially older dogs. It is a good source of soluble fibre and good alternative source of grains for dogs. It should be cooked without sugar while giving to dog.
* You can add plain white yogurt, cottage cheese, popcorn, flax seeds, brawn , plain pasta in dogs meals. But everything should be given in small amounts.
What is unsafe and dangerous for dogs :
Dogs have a shorter digestive tract than humans.There is a lot of people food which dog should never eat. Some foods are very dangerous for them.
Onion, garlic, raw eggs, avocado, grapes, raisins, pits of most fruits, tomato-potato leaves and stems, rhubarb leaves, macadamia nuts, tea, coffee, coffee grounds and other caffeine, candy and gums, chocolates, alcoholic drinks, strong spices, seasonings, nut meg, salt, cornstalk, yeast dough, animal fats, fried foods, etc.
* Always put fresh water for the dog in stainless steel bowl rather than plastic bowl. Because bacteria grows faster on plastic.
* I will repeat -
It is the most important to check with experienced veterinarian to determine what foods are best for a dog because the food is the foundation of all life.
Do not care only for your pet but care for all animals/ homeless animals. They desperately need our help, love and care. Do not let them die on the streets. They deserve happiness. They have right to live their lives without pain and sufferings. Consider adopt a homeless animal.
Friday, 1 February 2013
Adopt Bubbles. Bring Joy And Happiness In Your Home !
Name : Bubbles
Age : 1.5 months
Gender : Female
Breed : Our lovely Indian breed
Meet Bubbles. She is 1.5 months old very cute puppy. Her check up has been done by the vet. She is healthy and very playful. She will attract you by her playful nature. Once you meet her you will forget to blink your eyes and will fall in love with her instantely. Currently in a foster home in Andheri - Mumbai. Foster parents are moving out of Mumbai so they can not keep her for more days. She is waiting for her own home and family. She deserves to be loved and cared.
Please consider to adopt her. You will never regret for that.
Share my post on your contact list. Help this innocent angel getting to be adopted, before it is too late..!
To adopt her please call : 9167652675
or email on : manisha.matta.1957@gmail.com
Rather Than Buying A Pet From Pet Shop/ Breeder, Consider Saving An Innocent Life By Adopting From Streets/ Foster homes/ Animal Shelters. Spread Awareness About Our Strays. They Can Not Speak You Become Their Voice. Make A Difference !
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