Wednesday, 28 September 2011




Phone : 022 24137518 / 022 24135285 / 022 24133598 / 022 24168381

Phone :  022 28823742 / 022 28802682 / 022 28823742

Phone : 95251471996 / 9820161114

*save our strays
Phone : 9820141310

Phone : 022 23094077

Phone : 022 25673838 / 022 25654949

Phone :  022 28763856 / 9820476622

Renu  Rai
Phone : 022 27562275 / 31097720

Phone : 022 26701413 / 022 8763858 / 9840476622 / 9819100100 (emergency  number)

Phone : 9320056583 / 9320056681 / 022 32681418

Phone : 9320056685 / 9819887632

Phone : 022 24156453 / 022n24129098

Phone : 022 256242112 / 9821215661

Phone : 022 28112462 / 022 28908945 / 9820541871

Phone : 022 32612344 / 9322271966



Dr Indresh Narayan Kulshrestha
Phone : O22 27451301 , Mobile : 919324387130 / 919422690287
Dr. B. K. Inkar
 Phone : O22 27483523 , Mobile  : 919821199042
Dr. K. R. Kini
Phone : 022 27457013
Dr. Rajesh V Chatur
Phone : 022 2786810, Mobile : 91982141966
Dr. M. T. Latkar
Phone : 022 27454700, Mobile  : 919869804236
Dr. Dipak Khot
Mobile : 9821344196


Dr. H.G. Ghanvat
Mobile : 919820618040


Dr. Shankar Narayan Khedkar
Phone:  022 27692051 , Mobile : 9822948381


Dr. Shailendra K. Reddy
Phone : O22 27709229, 022 27577711, Mobile  : 919322933221 / 919322573033


Dr. Aditya Dhopatkar
Phone : 022 27702608 , Mobile  : 919870050974

Dr. D. K. Patil
Phone :  022 27658200 / 022 27662795

Dr Lalit Kumar Sharma
 Phone : 022 7687311, 022 7616657,  Mobile : 919322264173
Dr. Bhausaheb Patil
Mobile No : 91932486600

-       MUMBAI  -


Dr. S.G. Swali
Phone : 022 25213287/ 022 2521832Dr  Asha Omprakash
Phone :  022 67309583 / 022 25564411 /  Mobile  : 9820058388/ 9833939115 
Dr. Deepa katyal
Mobile: 9819742557
Dr  Sucheta Vilas Bhide
Phone : 022 25514879 
Dr. T. M Arunachalum
Phone :  022 25568909 / Mobile  : 9821112329

Dr Apsing Ismail Pawara
Phone : 022 25563284 / 022 25563285

Dr. Nerissa Lobo
Mobile : 9819406393

Dr. Sachin Bhosale
 Phone : 022 25042570 /Mobile  : 9869190989 / 9881578287


Mobile : 9967535050 

Dr M T Akole,
Phone- : 0251 2863739


Phone : 022 25425975
Dr. Veeraraghavan M.Chariar
Dr. Jaya V. Chariar
Phone : 022 25812108 /  022 25425975 /  Mobile : 9821417910
Avinash Patil
Phone : 022 25367844
Dr Vivek Patil
Phone : 022 25368899
Dr. Sudhir Sadanand Mhatre
Phone : 022 25403399
Dr. Amarsing Ratansing Mahale
Phone : 022 25340011
Dr. Girish M. Bapat
Phone: 022 5402872 / Mobile : 9820023106
Dr. Onkar Pawaskar
Phone : 022 25973100/ Mobile : 9819363131


Dr. Dhananjay Pandit
 Phone : 022 25610955 / Mobile  : 9820511915
Dr. Natasha Couto
 Phone : 022 25602166 /Mobile  : 9820476447
Dr. Dilip  Shirodkar
Phone : 022 25608128 / Mobile  : 9967006834

Dr. G. M. Bapat
Phone : 022 25402972 / Mobile  : 9820023106


Dr. S. Y. Bhoir
Mobile  : 9869004702
Dr. S.H. Dalvi 
 Phone : 022 24543323 / Mobile  : 9820495798
Dr. Niket Mulekar
Mobile : 9869156254


Dr. D.P. Chaudhary
 Phone : 022 56283975 / 022 224156443 / Mobile  : 9820001579
Dr. Natasha P Kashid
Mobile  : 9820226152
Dr. S. G. Khandekar
Phone : 022 24146880 / Mobile  : 9820000471
Dr. Shahir Vitthal Gaikwad
Mobile:  9892244157
Dr. Rajiv V. Gaikwad
Phone : 022 24131180 / Mobile:  9820516634


Dr Kishor Mahind
022 25168520 / Mobile : 9820003290
Dr. Deepak Savaratkar
Phone: 022  25127593 / Mobile : 9867723687


Dr Trilok M Telang
Phone:022  24090034
Dr. Aban A Desai
Phone : 022  24451233
Dr. Gowri Mallapur
Phone : 022  24444650
Dr Mrs. Tannaz Amalsadvala
Phone : 022  24442514
Dr. Vinita Kulkarni
Phone : 022 24445836 / 022 22454992 / Mobile  : 9820294277
Dr. Davina Trindade
Phone : 022 24455559 / Mobile  : 9820519865


Dr. Simin Bharucha
Phone : 022 24147012 /Mobile : 919821679555
Dr. R.N. Bhate
Mobile  : 919892791519
Dr. Priya Mudur
Phone :  022 24143032 / Mobile  : 9820328112
Dr. Yuvraj Kaginkar
Phone :  022 56076919 / Mobile  :  9869481592


Dr Sameer Ranji Chawan
Phone : 022 24440486
Dr Dhananjay Arvind Deshpande
Phone : 022 24305953
Dr. Satish Rajhans
Phone : 022  24451713 / Mobile :  986946737
DR. Makarand Chavan
 Phone : 022 24380756  / Mobile : 9821231587
Dr. Shailesh Ingole
Phone :  022 24440486 / 022 28676080 / Mobile : 9821097256
Dr. Sangeeta Shah
Phone :  022 24461748 / Mobile  : 9821737739
Dr. Sagar
Phone : 022 24316757


Dr. S. V. Vishwasra
Phone : 022 26556626/ Mobile  : 9322242184
Dr. Sanjay Singhal
Phone : 022 26555112 / Mobile  : 9322251577
Dr. L.N Dhapade
Phone : 022 26512733 / Mobile  : 9820263885 / 9892789209
Dr.  Madhumanjiri  M Gatne
Phone : 022 26409988/ Mobile  : 9821298365 / 9870121188
Dr. S. V. Vishwasra
Phone : 022 26556626 / Mobile  : 9322242184
Dr. Rishikesh Pai
Phone : 022 266755886


Dr. Hitesh Swali
Phone: 022 26608638 , Mobile : 9821120058
Dr Vikrant Nimbkar
Phone : 022 6606827
Dr Malavika Adur
Mobile : 9819037902
Dr. Vrushali Chavan
Phone : 022 26102606 , Mobile  : 9820560645
Dr. Dinesh Vinherkar
Phone : 022 56192827 , Mobile  : 9322243216 / 9322647660

Dr. Umesh. D. Karkare
 Phone :  022 26483199 , Mobile  : 9820147546
Dr. A.D. Kshirsagar
Phone : 022 26488142
Dr. G. V. Chavan
Phone : 022 26485235 , Mobile  : 9322269396
Dr.  Sanjeev  and Dr. Rajni  Rajadhyaksha
Phone :  022 26058550 , Mobile  : 9820025745
Dr. Karkare
Phone: 022  26483199 / Mobile : 9820147546
Dr. Nicole Rego
Phone : 022 56017994 / 022 26491417  
Dr. Todankar Sameer
Phone : 022 25773605 / Mobile : 9224140139 


Dr. M. S. Chousalkar
Phone : 022 32922719 , Mobile  : 9820141899
Dr.Susarla Jagadish
Phone : 022 28206535 / 022 256992316 , Mobile  : 9819653626
Dr. Barry Kalsy
Phone :  022 26843351 , Mobile  : 9820847767
Dr. Jairam Ramani
Phone : 022 28343182 / 022 26242518 , Mobile  : 9821512569
Dr. Geeta Parab
Phone : 022 28343182 , Mobile  : 9819036796
Dr C. L. Badgujar
Phone : 022 28528537
Dr. Chetan Umrotkar
phone : 022 26719895 , Mobile : 9820975662
Dr. Percy Avari
Phone : 022 26839127 , Mobile : 9820470036
Dr. Aditi Gupte
Phone : 022 26743087 / 022 26743668 , Mobile  : 9820879097
Dr. Rajesh Kamble
Phone :  022 28573440 , Mobile  : 9821071226
Dr. Ashok Shukla
Phone : 022 26736139
Dr. Shefali Shah
Mobile  : 9820328373
Dr. Parul Parpani Swali
Phone : 022 25705425 , Mobile : 9321237566 / 9821237566
Dr. Dipta Walalwalkar
Phone : 022 26312133 , Mobile  : 9869864667
Dr Kiran Patil
Phone : 022 61618656 , Mobile  : 9821367409


Dr. Warren D'Mello
Phone : 022 26151563 , Mobile  : 9819099629
Dr. S. D. Gangoli
Phone : 022 26169647 , Mobile  : 9322864180
Dr. Sarita  Gulavne
Phone :022 26114350 / Mobile : 9821069853
Dr. Sunita K Patel
Phone : 022 26154082 , 022 26125790 , Mobile : 9821010898 

Dr. Jagdish L Pendkar
Mobile  : 9821255157
Dr. Trijya Vakil
 Phone : 022 66932086 , Mobile  : 9820608503

Dr. Premal Darji
Phone : 022 28681826 , Mobile  : 932224268
Dr. Avinash Shedge
Phone : 022 28051788 , Mobile : 9892109695
Dr. A.M. Das
Phone : 022 28918449 , Mobile : 919820155478
Dr. Pradnya Pethe
Phone : 022 28330919
Dr. Sunetra Wadke
Mobile : 982043783
Dr. Anil
Mobile  : 9820016420
Dr. Agashey Deepak Geshwant
Mobile :  9820817579

Dr. Smita Mahajan
Mobile  : 9820110708
Dr. Rajendra Velhankar
Mobile : 9819030607
Dr. S.R. Chinchkar
Phone : 022 28691342 , Mobile  : 919324691342
Dr. N. N. Jayakar
Phone : 022 28843820 , Mobile : 9820720246 / 9821511553
Dr. A.M. Paturkar
Phone : 022 28543921 , Mobile  : 9820201522
Dr. Rajesh Kumar Singh
Mobile No : 9323557298
Dr.  Neha Wakankar
Phone :  022 28843820 , Mobile  : 9821313697 / 9870403763
Dr. Savita Kashinath Savan
Phone : 022 28613142 , Mobile  : 9892843118


Dr. D. U. Lokhande
Phone :  022 28424108 , Mobile  : 9820017275
Dr. C. S. Lele
Phone :  022 28722074 , Mobile  :  9869039715 / 9892119481
Dr. S. M. Gadge
Phone : 022 2880696 , Mobile : 9821043160
Dr. Neelima Paranjpe
Phone : 022 28802652 , Mobile  : 9820049512
Dr. Smita Dikshit
Mobile :  9820891046


Dr. Ezil A Kumar
Mobile  : 9324202655
Dr. Smita Deekshit
Phone : 022 28400579 , Mobile  : 9820891046
Dr. Prasanna Hendre 
Mobile : 9820720434
Dr. Nishikant Sane
Phone : 022 28412145 ,  Mobile : 9819288717
Dr.Chetan Lavekar
Phone : 022 20582907 / 022 8729707 , Mobile : 93239 83657
Mr  Sanjivani Tendulkar
Phone : 022 61617125 ,  Mobile  : 9833728245 


Dr. Vivek A. Golatkar
Phone :  9371899965 / 9370035729 


Dr. Kishore.D Batwe
Phone : 022 32518872 , Mobile : 9820796850/ 9321796850
Dr. Priyanka Devarkar
Mobile : 9820826584
Dr. Nilesh Dagli
Mobile : 982136085 


Dr. S. Bhagwan
Phone : 022 22832955


Dr Ranade Ajit Shankar
Phone : 022 24935539

Dr. Percis A. Ghiara
Phone : 022 24924068 / Mobile : 9820482171
Dr. Kirti. B. Doshi
 Phone : 022 23806716 / Mobile  : 9821025240
Dr. Rustom. K. Bharucha
Phone : 022 23802541 / 022 23803347 / Mobile  : 9820367654
Dr Shivani Tandel
Phone : 022 23511726 / 65712326 /Mobile  : 98200345
Dr. Ami Sanghvi
Phone : 022 23532366 / Mobile  : 9821012214
Dr. Nazneen Antia
 Phone : 022 24924068 / Mobile  : 9820560255
Dr. Tina Rustomjee
 Phone : 022 23519105 / 02223521068


Dr. Dinyar Wadia
Phone : 022 23617450


Dr. Leena Dalal
Phone : 022 2872177 / 022 2844102 / Mobile  : 9820001687
Dr Freya Phiroze Javeri
Phone: 022 2357389 /  022 2029106 / 022 2076344/ Mobile : 9820120389


Mr. Arvind
Phone : 9819100100 / 022 26701413

Mr. Bhavin
Phone : 9820476622 / 022 28761313 / 022 28763858


022 25654949 / 022 25673838
 Mr. Navin
022 25112929

Let Us Kind To The Animals. Take Steps To Make This World A Safer Place For Animals. A Small Effort On Your Part Is Saving Thousands Of Innocent Lives. Do It Today And Make A Difference.

Rocky - Waiting to be adopted !

      Name : Rocky
      Gender : Male
      Age : 2 Month
      Breed : Indian Breed (Pariah)

Rocky, 2 month old male Indian puppy probably lost from his mother and other littermates was attacked by other dogs. He was rescued by Abhishek Bhowmick. This apple faced boy is very adorable. He is super-friendly and is very playful and naughty.  He is super active and loves to play around anybody and everybody. He is vaccinated with anti-rabies and 7 in 1 shots. Currently he is sheltered at the Murbad Animal Rescue Center. Before adopting please ensure it's a lifetime commitment that you are going to take up and there's no looking back. Adopt Rocky and take this bundle of joy to your home. You will not regret for it.
For Adoption Call : 9167652675 / 9820049031 

Friday, 23 September 2011

Sara - Waiting For A Sweet Home !

Name : Sara
Gender : Female
Age : Approx 1.5 - 2 Month
Breed : Indian Breed

Sara is abandoned baby. She is healthy, very cute, friendly, playful and obedient. She is bundle of joy.
She deserves a sweet home, family, love and care.
Currently in a foster homer
Come forward to adopt Sara. She is waiting  for a positive response from some wonderful and loving family who will take her home.
Please don't disappoint her.

For adoption call : 9167652675

The Decision To Add A Pet To The Family Is An Important One For A Life. Do Your Part. Adopt A Pariah (Stray/ Indian Breed) And Make A Difference !

Why Adopt An Indian Breed (Pariah / Stray )?


Don’t Buy from breeder/ pet shop.  Adopt only.  
But before adopting think wisely.

People usually think to adopt a breed, even they  feed or take care Indian strays on time. But when time to come for adopting for home they will choose a breed for status symbol.

But did you ever give a thought to adopt an Indian breed ( pariah/stray) ? They are  in our neighbourhood, on every street. They need you. They give you more love than any one else.  

 Why adopt an Indian Breed ( pariah/stray)?  
There are so many reasons to adopt an Indian Breed .


·         Indian pariahs/strays  are usually short  haired so they are easy to maintain.
·         They are more suitable than the Pedigree dog as they are used to climate conditions. Pedigree dogs fall ill and face a lot problems because of the prevailing weather conditions. But Indian pariahs/strays very rarely face such problems.
·         If Indian pariahs vaccinated, cared properly, fed a balanced diet, they will rarely need to see a vet.
·         They (Indian  pariahs) are modest eaters. They will eat anything you feed them. They have higher immunity than a Pedigree dog.
·         They (Indian Pariahs) are smart , very smart enough to detect  threats easily.
·         They are highly intelligent along with being independent.
·         They are very social, adaptable and have a friendly nature.
·         They are very loyal . when you are outraged, angry, depressed, grieving, they will give you a positive response.                                   
·         They are extremely alert and excellent  watch (guard) dogs.

So still need a reason why you should adopt an Indian breed  ?

Educate yourself, educate others. Definitely you can go with Indian breed ( pariah/stray). They have so many qualities. When we have our own adorable Indian breed  in our neighbourhood, then why you will bring a breed ?

Think wisely. Say NO to Buy a pet/ to your status symbol
Adopt  an Indian Breed (pariah/stray)- Save a life. Give them a well deserved life. They need you. Without you they have no voice.