Some signs of kidney problems in canine
§ Pale gums
§ Vomiting
§ Loss or decreased appetite
§ Depression and restlessness
§ Change in water consumption
§ Blood in urine
§ Change in volume of urine produced
§ Pale gume
§ Weight loss
§ Mouth ulcers
§ Stumbling
§ Acute kidney failure
§ Kidney failure due to Lyme/othertick born diseas
§ Chronic kidney failure
§ Glomerulonephritis
§ Congenital kidney failure
There are three possible outcomes from the first phase of treatment of kidney failure in dogs.
§ The kidneys will resume functioning and continue to function for a few weeks to a few years.
§ The kidneys will resume functioning during treatment but fail again as soon as treatment stops.
§ Kidney function will not return. Unfortunately, there are no reliable tests that will predict the outcome.
The second phase of treatment in dogs is to keep the kidneys functioning as long as possible.
Here are some steps to give your pet the very best chance at recovery.
§ Diet: The diet should be low in phosphorus, low in protein and it shoud be not acidified. This type of diet will help you to keep the blood tests as close to normal as possible, and your pet will feel better.
§ Fluids: Fluids should given at home. Once your pet is stabilized, fluids can be given under the skin (subcutaneously). It will restart the kidney function and will help your pet function begins to fail again. Initially it should done daily then once weekly. Its depending on the degree of kidney failure.
§ Pure drinking water: Clean and pure filtered drinking water should be given to canine.Tap water can be poison for him.
§ Calcium and Phosphorus must remain in blood of canine. Ratio: approx 2:1, A drug to regulate the parathyroid gland and calcium levels. The increase in blood phosphorus level, as mentioned above, stimulates the parathyroid gland to increase the blood calcium level by removing it from bones. This can be helpful for the sake of the normalizing calcium:phosphorus ratio, but it can make the bones brittle and easily broken.
§ Hydrotherapy: This therapy utilizes alternating hot and cold water on the affected area, which promotes rapid healing. Hydrotherapy is found beneficial in repairing injured and torn muscles more quickly by bringing more blood, oxygen and nutrients to the affected area. This therapy can heal a canine from chronic sinus infection, repair torn ligaments.
§ Phosphorous should be removed from the body by filtering through the kidneys ( a phosphate binder). Once the filtration process is impaired, phosphorous begins to accumulate in the blood. Certain drugs will bind excess phosphates in the intestinal tract so they are not absorbed, resulting in lower blood levels of phosphorus.
§ Exercise: This is the thing many neglect when pet is sick. Many owners don’t realize that exercise not only stimulates circulation and strengthens muscles it also strengthens your canine’s organs, intestines and stomach and creates wonderful healing chemicals within the body. But if your canine is extremely sick so you should always start off slowly, with short walks and build up day by day.
§ Many canines in kidney red blood cell count, anemia, synthetic forms of erythropoietin. A drug to stimulate the bone marrow to produce new red blood cells and will correct the anemia in most canine .But it is sad that for some dogs, the drug cannot be used long termfailure have a low
If your canine shows any symptoms, please take him/her to see your veterinarian immediately.It does not matter what stage your dog is at, the sooner you start doing everything you can to naturally support his body in the healing process, the better his chances will be for recovery.
Always treat your pets by an experienced and qualified Veterinary Doctor only.
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