Tuesday 27 December 2011

Pets Who Have Been Gone Through Pain And Trauma - Heart-Wrenching case of Jackie !

Name : Jackie
Gender : Male
Age : 3 years old.

Read this heart wrenching case of Jackie. He was beaten up by some cruel people with stones and which has damaged his left eye. He is now undergoing treatment. He is in very bad condition.

Friends, What was Jackie's fault/ mistake ?  Only because  he is a voiceless creature ? Can't fight for his own life ? So some people will be cruel against animals ?

Dear animal lovers, we need urgent help ( FUNDS) for Jackie’s treatment. Please open your kind hearts and help for Jackie and save his innocent life.

For Jackie’s help please call : 9167652675/ 8879005435.

Save needy stray animals/ Animal's lives by giving support and your kind help.

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